By Lawrence Kimbrough
This devotional takes a look at the familiar aspect of God as Father, comparing and and contrasting His qualities with our human Father. Topics covered include discipline, obedience, and God's overwhelming love for all His children.
Contemplating God the Son: A Devotional
By Lawrence Kimbrough
In this devotional, we explore the person of God in Jesus Christ. We learn what it meant for Jesus to be the Son of God, and how this impacts our lives as God's children as well. Topics include Jesus as fulfillment of law and prophecy, Jesus came to the lost and not the righteous, and Jesus as foundation of the Church.
Contemplating God the Holy Spirit: A Devotional
By Lawrence Kimbrough
In this devotional, we explore the most mysterious aspect of the Trinity: the Holy Spirit. We learn to experience the Spirit as a gift from God, and how to make ourselves truly open to the movements of the Holy Spirit. Topics include empowerment through the Holy Spirit, God's use of the Spirit to reposition people, and the Spirit as insight into God's plan.
I truly adored all three of these devotional books. In fact, I felt as though I was devouring them with my eyes. They were written in a way that was so easily understood for me. At times, I struggle with theological talk, but these books were written with heart and touched my heart. All three books are organized the same way, each with 14 topical sections. Each section contains a scripture reading, as well as other suggested readings, and discussion. Then there are questions for contemplation, as well as suggested prayer topics. Overall, I felt these books were very well written, and appropriate for people in all stages of spiritual development.
I would most definitely recommend these books for small Bible study or discussion groups. The language used and easy to follow structure would lend themselves perfectly for group study; however, they are also fantastic for personal study as well, and appropriate for many Christian denominations. All in all, some of the best devotionals I have ever found!
Stopping by from the Hop! Have a great weekend!