This book is explosive, and not for the faint of heart. It is raw, gritty, and probably hits a lot closer to home than a lot of women would care to admit. Just because a woman does not have bruises or scars does not mean she is not abused, as this book will clearly show. Personally, I found the story a bit intoxicating, and frightening at the same time. I have known men like Gary, and come perilously close to being in Stefanie's 3 inch high heeled shoes. I felt a real connection with Stefanie's character, and found the writing to be incredibly believable. Yes, the language and sexuality in this book are in your face. But the story would not have been true to itself if it had been sugar coated and glossed over.
This is definitely a book intended for mature, adult readers, but I think it is important for younger adult women to hear this story. I was 23 when I met a man much like Gary, and had no idea what he was doing was abusive. If more women are made aware of how damaging exploitive relationships are, perhaps less women will end up damaged. I loved the book, and would recommend it to every woman I know.
A review copy was provided courtesy of the publisher.
Tiffany, thank you for the insightful review on Poppet's "Exploits" the book does indeed cut to the chase and it may be a little difficult for some to read. However those that do read it will benefit from the excellence of the story and perhaps more importantly the eye opening message it contains.
ReplyDeleteIt's a great read.
Thank you Tiffany for such an incredible review. You nailed it! And I am so pleased Exploits resonated with you.